Alzheimer's & dementia (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Clinical and neuropathological associations of plasma Aβ42/Aβ40, p-tau217 and neurofilament light in sporadic frontotemporal dementia spectrum disorders.

Rajbanshi B, Prufer Q C Araujo I, VandeVrede L, Ljubenkov PA, Staffaroni AM, Heuer HW, Lario Lago A, Ramos EM, Petrucelli L, Gendron T, Dage JL, Seeley WW, Grinberg LT, Spina S, Bateman RJ, Rosen HJ, Boeve BF, Boxer AL, Rojas JC, ALLFTD Consortium

Health literacy, but not memory, is associated with hippocampal connectivity in adults with low levels of formal education.

de Paula França Resende E, Lara VP, Santiago ALC, Friedlaender CV, Rosen HJ, Brown JA, Cobigo Y, Silva LLG, Cruz de Souza L, Rincon L, Grinberg LT, Maciel FIP, Caramelli P

Comorbid neuropathology and atypical presentation of Alzheimer's disease.

Pina-Escudero SD, La Joie R, Spina S, Hwang JH, Miller ZA, Huang EJ, Grant H, Mundada NS, Boxer AL, Gorno-Tempini ML, Rosen HJ, Kramer JH, Miller BL, Seeley WW, Rabinovici GD, Grinberg LT

Neuropsychiatric symptoms in community-dwelling older Brazilians with mild cognitive impairment and dementia.

Suemoto CK, Nunes PV, Leite REP, Ferretti-Rebustini REL, Pasqualucci CA, Nitrini R, Rodriguez RD, Grinberg LT, Jacob-Filho W