
Spatial proteomic differences in chronic traumatic encephalopathy, Alzheimer's disease, and primary age-related tauopathy hippocampi.


Richardson TE, Orr ME, Orr TC, Rohde SK, Ehrenberg AJ, Thorn EL, Christie TD, Flores-Almazan V, Afzal R, De Sanctis C, Maldonado-Díaz C, Hiya S, Canbeldek L, Kulumani Mahadevan LS, Slocum C, Samanamud J, Clare K, Scibetta N, Yokoda RT, Koenigsberg D, Marx GA, Kauffman J, Goldstein A, Selmanovic E, Drummond E, Wisniewski T, White CL, Goate AM, Crary JF, Farrell K, Alosco ML, Mez J, McKee AC, Stein TD, Bieniek KF, Kautz TF, Daoud EV, Walker JM

Hypertension may associate with cerebral small vessel disease and infarcts through the pathway of intracranial atherosclerosis.


Takahashi MKN, Paradela RS, Grinberg LT, Leite REP, Farias-Itao DS, Paes VR, Braga ME, Naslavsky MS, Zatz M, Jacob-Filho W, Nitrini R, Pasqualucci CA, Suemoto CK

Adhesion G protein-coupled receptor ADGRG1 promotes protective microglial response in Alzheimer's disease.


Zhu B, Wangzhou A, Yu D, Li T, Schmidt R, De Florencio SL, Chao L, Perez Y, Grinberg LT, Spina S, Ransohoff RM, Kriegstein AR, Seeley WW, Nowakowski T, Piao X

Biomarker-Based Approach to α-Synucleinopathies: Lessons from Neuropathology.


Kovacs GG, Grinberg LT, Halliday G, Alafuzoff I, Dugger BN, Murayama S, Forrest SL, Martinez-Valbuena I, Tanaka H, Kon T, Yoshida K, Jaunmuktane Z, Spina S, Nelson PT, Gentleman S, Alegre-Abarrategui J, Serrano GE, Paes VR, Takao M, Wakabayashi K, Uchihara T, Yoshida M, Saito Y, Kofler J, Rodriguez RD, Gelpi E, Attems J, Crary JF, Seeley WW, Duda JE, Keene CD, Woulfe J, Munoz D, Smith C, Lee EB, Neumann M, White CL, McKee AC, Thal DR, Jellinger K, Ghetti B, Mackenzie IRA, Dickson DW, Beach TG

Cross-disorder and disease-specific pathways in dementia revealed by single-cell genomics.


Rexach JE, Cheng Y, Chen L, Polioudakis D, Lin LC, Mitri V, Elkins A, Han X, Yamakawa M, Yin A, Calini D, Kawaguchi R, Ou J, Huang J, Williams C, Robinson J, Gaus SE, Spina S, Lee EB, Grinberg LT, Vinters H, Trojanowski JQ, Seeley WW, Malhotra D, Geschwind DH

Health literacy, but not memory, is associated with hippocampal connectivity in adults with low levels of formal education.


de Paula França Resende E, Lara VP, Santiago ALC, Friedlaender CV, Rosen HJ, Brown JA, Cobigo Y, Silva LLG, Cruz de Souza L, Rincon L, Grinberg LT, Maciel FIP, Caramelli P

Clinical implications of head trauma in frontotemporal dementia and primary progressive aphasia.


Asken BM, Bove JM, Bauer RM, Tanner JA, Casaletto KB, Staffaroni AM, VandeVrede L, Alosco ML, Mez JB, Stern RA, Miller BL, Grinberg LT, Boxer AL, Gorno-Tempini ML, Rosen HJ, Rabinovici GD, Kramer JH

The Association Between Neuropathological Lesions and Body Mass Index Is Independent of Cognitive Abilities.


Ururahy RDR, do Val MS, Ciciliati AMM, Leite REP, Paes VR, Rodrigues RD, Grinberg LT, Pasqualucci CA, Jacob Filho W, Suemoto CK

Don't die like me: Which proteins are responsible for the selective neuronal vulnerability within the substantia nigra?


Steinbach S, Molina M, Grinberg LT, Aring L, Guntermann A, Marcus K, Heinsen H, Paraizo Leite RE, May C
