Acta neuropathologica

LATE-NC staging in routine neuropathologic diagnosis: an update.

Nelson PT, Lee EB, Cykowski MD, Alafuzoff I, Arfanakis K, Attems J, Brayne C, Corrada MM, Dugger BN, Flanagan ME, Ghetti B, Grinberg LT, Grossman M, Grothe MJ, Halliday GM, Hasegawa M, Hokkanen SRK, Hunter S, Jellinger K, Kawas CH, Keene CD, Kouri N, Kovacs GG, Leverenz JB, Latimer CS, Mackenzie IR, Mao Q, McAleese KE, Merrick R, Montine TJ, Murray ME, Myllykangas L, Nag S, Neltner JH, Newell KL, Rissman RA, Saito Y, Sajjadi SA, Schwetye KE, Teich AF, Thal DR, Tomé SO, Troncoso JC, Wang SJ, White CL, Wisniewski T, Yang HS, Schneider JA, Dickson DW, Neumann M

Rainwater Charitable Foundation criteria for the neuropathologic diagnosis of progressive supranuclear palsy.

Roemer SF, Grinberg LT, Crary JF, Seeley WW, McKee AC, Kovacs GG, Beach TG, Duyckaerts C, Ferrer IA, Gelpi E, Lee EB, Revesz T, White CL, Yoshida M, Pereira FL, Whitney K, Ghayal NB, Dickson DW

Frequency of LATE neuropathologic change across the spectrum of Alzheimer's disease neuropathology: combined data from 13 community-based or population-based autopsy cohorts.

Nelson PT, Brayne C, Flanagan ME, Abner EL, Agrawal S, Attems J, Castellani RJ, Corrada MM, Cykowski MD, Di J, Dickson DW, Dugger BN, Ervin JF, Fleming J, Graff-Radford J, Grinberg LT, Hokkanen SRK, Hunter S, Kapasi A, Kawas CH, Keage HAD, Keene CD, Kero M, Knopman DS, Kouri N, Kovacs GG, Labuzan SA, Larson EB, Latimer CS, Leite REP, Matchett BJ, Matthews FE, Merrick R, Montine TJ, Murray ME, Myllykangas L, Nag S, Nelson RS, Neltner JH, Nguyen AT, Petersen RC, Polvikoski T, Reichard RR, Rodriguez RD, Suemoto CK, Wang SJ, Wharton SB, White L, Schneider JA

Patterns of neuronal Rhes as a novel hallmark of tauopathies.

Ehrenberg AJ, Leng K, Letourneau KN, Hernandez I, Lew C, Seeley WW, Spina S, Miller B, Heinsen H, Kampmann M, Kosik KS, Grinberg LT

Neuropathological consensus criteria for the evaluation of Lewy pathology in post-mortem brains: a multi-centre study.

Attems J, Toledo JB, Walker L, Gelpi E, Gentleman S, Halliday G, Hortobagyi T, Jellinger K, Kovacs GG, Lee EB, Love S, McAleese KE, Nelson PT, Neumann M, Parkkinen L, Polvikoski T, Sikorska B, Smith C, Grinberg LT, Thal DR, Trojanowski JQ, McKeith IG

Brain arteriolosclerosis.

Blevins BL, Vinters HV, Love S, Wilcock DM, Grinberg LT, Schneider JA, Kalaria RN, Katsumata Y, Gold BT, Wang DJJ, Ma SJ, Shade LMP, Fardo DW, Hartz AMS, Jicha GA, Nelson KB, Magaki SD, Schmitt FA, Teylan MA, Ighodaro ET, Phe P, Abner EL, Cykowski MD, Van Eldik LJ, Nelson PT

Correction to: 4-Repeat tau seeds and templating subtypes as brain and CSF biomarkers of frontotemporal lobar degeneration.

Saijo E, Metrick MA, Koga S, Parchi P, Litvan I, Spina S, Boxer A, Rojas JC, Galasko D, Kraus A, Rossi M, Newell K, Zanusso G, Grinberg LT, Seeley WW, Ghetti B, Dickson DW, Caughey B

4-Repeat tau seeds and templating subtypes as brain and CSF biomarkers of frontotemporal lobar degeneration.

Saijo E, Metrick MA, Koga S, Parchi P, Litvan I, Spina S, Boxer A, Rojas JC, Galasko D, Kraus A, Rossi M, Newell K, Zanusso G, Grinberg LT, Seeley WW, Ghetti B, Dickson DW, Caughey B
