
Increased levels of TAR DNA-binding protein 43 in the hippocampus of subjects with bipolar disorder: a postmortem study.


Nascimento C, Nunes PV, Kim HK, Leite REP, Rodriguez RD, De Oliveira KC, Brentani HP, Jacob-Filho W, Nitrini R, Pasqualucci CA, Grinberg LT, Suemoto CK, Lafer B

Deep learning for Alzheimer's disease: Mapping large-scale histological tau protein for neuroimaging biomarker validation.


Ushizima D, Chen Y, Alegro M, Ovando D, Eser R, Lee W, Poon K, Shankar A, Kantamneni N, Satrawada S, Junior EA, Heinsen H, Tosun D, Grinberg LT

Loss of lamin-B1 and defective nuclear morphology are hallmarks of astrocyte senescence in vitro and in the aging human hippocampus.


Matias I, Diniz LP, Damico IV, Araujo APB, Neves LDS, Vargas G, Leite REP, Suemoto CK, Nitrini R, Jacob-Filho W, Grinberg LT, Hol EM, Middeldorp J, Gomes FCA

The severity of neuropsychiatric symptoms is higher in early-onset than late-onset Alzheimer's Disease.


Falgàs N, Allen IE, Spina S, Grant H, Piña Escudero SD, Merrilees J, Gearhart R, Rosen HJ, Kramer JH, Seeley WW, Neylan TC, Miller BL, Rabinovici GD, Grinberg LT, Walsh CM

Optimizing COVID-19 control with asymptomatic surveillance testing in a university environment.


Brook CE, Northrup GR, Ehrenberg AJ, IGI SARS-CoV-2 Testing Consortium, Doudna JA, Boots M

Simplified risk-prediction for benchmarking and quality improvement in emergency general surgery. Prospective, multicenter, observational cohort study.


Villodre C, Taccogna L, Zapater P, Cantó M, Mena L, Ramia JM, Lluís F, Afonso N, Aguilella V, Aguiló J, Alados JC, Alberich M, Apio AB, Balongo R, Bra E, Bravo-Gutiérrez A, Briceño FJ, Cabañas J, Cánovas G, Caravaca I, Carbonell S, Carrera-Dacosta E, Castro EE, Caula C, Choolani-Bhojwani E, Codina A, Corral S, Cuenca C, Curbelo-Peña Y, Delgado-Morales MM, Delgado-Plasencia L, Doménech E, Estévez AM, Feria AM, Gascón-Domínguez MA, Gianchandani R, González C, Hevia RJ, González MA, Hidalgo JM, Lainez M, Lluís N, López F, López-Fernández J, López-Ruíz JA, Lora-Cumplido P, Madrazo Z, Marchena J, de la Cuadra MB, Martín S, Casas MI, Martínez P, Mena-Mateos A, Morales-García D, Mulas C, Muñoz-Forner E, Naranjo A, Navarro-Sánchez A, Oliver I, Ortega I, Ortega-Higueruelo R, Ortega-Ruiz S, Osorio J, Padín MH, Pamies JJ, Paredes M, Pareja-Ciuró F, Parra J, Pérez-Guarinós CV, Pérez-Saborido B, Pintor-Tortolero J, Plua-Muñiz K, Rey M, Rodríguez I, Ruiz C, Ruíz R, Ruiz S, Sánchez A, Sánchez D, Sánchez R, Sánchez-Cabezudo F, Sánchez-Santos R, Santos J, Serrano-Paz MP, Soria-Aledo V, Tallón-Aguilar L, Valdivia-Risco JH, Vallverdú-Cartié H, Varela C, Villar-Del-Moral J, Zambudio N, LUCENTUM Project Researchers

Metallothionein 3-Zinc Axis Suppresses Caspase-11 Inflammasome Activation and Impairs Antibacterial Immunity.


Chowdhury D, Gardner JC, Satpati A, Nookala S, Mukundan S, Porollo A, Landero Figueroa JA, Subramanian Vignesh K

LuNER: Multiplexed SARS-CoV-2 detection in clinical swab and wastewater samples.


Stahl EC, Gopez AR, Tsuchida CA, Fan VB, Moehle EA, Witkowsky LB, Hamilton JR, Lin-Shiao E, McElroy M, McDevitt SL, Ciling A, Tsui CK, Pestal K, Gildea HK, Keller A, Sylvain IA, Williams C, Hirsh A, Ehrenberg AJ, Kantor R, Metzger M, Nelson KL, Urnov FD, Ringeisen BR, Giannikopoulos P, Doudna JA, IGI Testing Consortium

Refined prefrontal working memory network as a neuromarker for Alzheimer's disease.


Kim E, Yu JW, Kim B, Lim SH, Lee SH, Kim K, Son G, Jeon HA, Moon C, Sakong J, Choi JW

Inefficient quality control of ribosome stalling during APP synthesis generates CAT-tailed species that precipitate hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease.


Rimal S, Li Y, Vartak R, Geng J, Tantray I, Li S, Huh S, Vogel H, Glabe C, Grinberg LT, Spina S, Seeley WW, Guo S, Lu B
